What Is My Hair Type?

Andre Walker, famous hairstylist to Oprah, designed a hair classification system for curly hair types that is used across numerous hair boards and blogs. Knowing your hair type can help you to choose the right styling and hair care options.

Personally, I think some people think this information is more important than it actually is. While knowing my hair type helped some, it hasn’t changed my hair routine by much. Also, it’s vital to understand that one hair type is not better than another. All hair types have disadvantage and advantages. The 4 curly hair types are:

Wavy Hair – Type 2
This hair type refers to hair that forms the shape of an S and sticks close to the head. It has three sub types that detail the texture of the curl. 2a is fine, 2b medium textured, and 2c is coarse.

Type 2a

Type 2b

Type 2c

Curly Hair – Type 3
Hair type that refers to curls that are well defined and springy. This hair type has lots of body and is easy to work with whether its straightened or styled in its natural state. It also has sub types. 3a curls are big and loose, 3b curls are medium and range from medium ringlets to tight corkscrews (sharpie size), and 3c curls are very tight corkscrews (pencil or straw size).

Type 3a

Type 3b

Type 3c

Kinky Hair – Type 4
This hair type refers to hair that is tightly curled with a visible curl pattern. It includes 2 sub classifications. 4a curlies have curls that form an S pattern and 4b curlies have curls that form a Z pattern. You can tell which one you are by pulling out a strand of hair and examining the curl.

Type 4a

Type 4b

In terms of this classification, I have a few types throughout my hair and that is actually very common. I am 3c in the top front, 4a in the middle (this is the majority of my hair) and 4b in the very back left side of my hair. Visit Naturally Curly Hair Types for more about this classification and examples of each hair type.

I find that I found out more useful information by using the old fashioned way of analyzing and learning more about my hair type. This involved understanding the following terms and really thinking about my hair and its behavior. Review How to Analyze Hair for more information on this process.

How To Analyze Hair

I find that I found out more useful information by using the old fashioned way of analyzing and learning more about my hair type then using the classification system. Analyzing your hair is helpful when finding styling options, caring for your hair, and choosing the proper hair products. This involves understanding the following terms and really thinking about your hair and its behavior.

Texture refers to the diameter of each hair strand. The different hair textures include fine, medium, coarse. Fine hair is extremely soft and silky. It can often have difficulty holding a curl. Medium hair texture is the most common. There is a wide range of styling options for this hair type. Coarse hair has a rougher feel, is on the heavier side, and tends to grow both outwards and downwards from the scalp. I am just noticing my hair growing downwards as it has gotten longer. For a long time, it just grew out.

Hair density refers to the number of strands in your hair. It is usually found by courting the number of strands in one square inch of the scalp and is unrelated to texture. It is often defined as thin, medium, or thick hair. Thin hair lacks volume and looks well with blunt cuts or styles with curls that give the illusion of volume. Medium hair is neither thick nor thin as the name suggests. Numerous styling options are available for medium hair and can include styling it to look thinner or boosting up the volume. Thick hair tends to have a lot of volume and looks great with layered styles. Density can also dictate which products we use. Often products will indicate if they give or minimize volume. Another thing to note is hair density decreases as we age, so styling options will have to be reconsidered.

Hair porosity defines how well the hair absorbs moisture. Overly porous hair release moisture easily and is dry and easily damaged. Apple Cider Vinegar treatments work well to treat overly porous hair.

You can check the porosity of your hair by feeling it when dry. If it feels rough and tangles easily then it is overly porous. You can also test by taking a few strands of hair, one from the back, top and sides of your head, and dropping them in a bowl of water. If they sink in less than a minute or two, then your hair is overly porous.

This refers to how well the hair stretches and returns back to its normal state. Hair should be able to stretch up to 50% of its original length without breaking. You can test this by taking 4 strands of your hair from different sections while wet and stretching it to see if it returns to its original state without breaking.

Normal hair with high elasticity is easy to style and work with. Hair with low elasticity is more difficult to work with and has difficulty holding curls. If your hair is not “curly” as I often hear, it very well may be due to an elasticity problem. Over processing and excessive heat styling are common causes for low elasticity. The treatment I describe in my current monthly hair regimen is helpful in repairing elasticity.

Wave Pattern
Wave pattern just refers to the look of your hair. Hair can be straight, curly, very curly, or coiled. Healthy hair can have any of the patterns or even a combination of patterns in many cases. Hair with no wave is straight. Curly hair has a wave and forms a C or an S shape depending on length. Very curly hair has an S or a Z pattern and can be bushy when long. Coiled hair forms a spiral and grows out from the scalp. The spirals can be tiny or finger sized.

As you can see, hair is very complex. It is useful to analyze hair in order to choose perfect styling and product options. It also helps so that you are aware of any damage that needs to be repaired. It is essential to understand that hair types differ as much as individual personalities differ. You should work to understand what works best for YOUR hair. This is an ongoing process that will not be resolved easily.

Why I’m Here

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my natural hair. I didn’t always feel this way. It has definitely been a long, long journey. I enjoy playing in my hair and researching and trying new techniques. A former “Product Junkie”, I have recently become very interested in natural hair products. I’ve found that the same natural hair products are usually also great for the skin.

I am asked, constantly, about hair due to the variety of styles I try on myself and my daughter. I find myself writing notes and emails to give to different people who send me questions, so I have decided to consolidate all that information and start a natural hair blog. This blog will be dedicated to natural hair and natural products with some fashion and style thrown in (because I like it)! Bear with me as I get the site up and running. I hope you enjoy and feel free to contact me with any questions or article ideas!

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